
The vitality of the phylogenetic dialogue in trichopterology, especially since 1967, is evidenced by the high quality and large number of published phylogenetic inferences concerning caddisflies and the continuing spirited exchange of opinions about some differences among those ideas. Monophyly for Trichoptera seems well argued. Monophyly for suborder Annulipalpia sensu stricto also is widely acknowledged, as is monophyly for suborder Integripalpia sensu stricto. Various postulated relationships of Hydrobiosidae, Rhyacophilidae, Glossosomatidae, and Hydroptilidae (= “Spicipalpia”) are less convincing. Phylogenies for several groups of families within Annulipalpia and Integripalpia have been proposed and relationships within at least 126 infrafamilial taxa also have been inferred.


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